Hello everyone, i’m an international fan and i just received my lightstick.
I ordered from amazon, the seller was kstars.
The box came absolutely smashed.
The lightstick and the wristband are unscratched, however i’m missing the photocard(s).
How would you proceed? I contacted DHL, because the package came through them, but they said i should contact amazon.
I’ll attach photos of the box for reference.
I wonder if i should return it, because i really don’t wanna wait for them to send me a new one, but at the same time i’m really bummed by this experience and i’m lowkey mad i did not get the pc.
P.S i did not have an option to check the package at the DHL office i only saw the condition of the box after i got home.
I’m a new kpop fan and i don’t have any notable experience ordering merch, so please be kind, any input would be appreciated!