As the title suggests, I feel like I got scammed?

This was supposed to be Winter's starrriver POB for armageddon era, but it feels SUPER flimsy like a lot flimsier than usual, but I also don't know if that's a. just me aka i got scammed/b. this is how it is actually meant to be for starriver. Furthermore, it looks a lot more green(?) irl, but when captured on camera it actually doesn't look that for off from pics of it I've seen. The back says "Co., Ltd.", idk if the comma is weird.

If anyone with the same POB could give some input it would be GREATLYYYY appreciated. didnt spend TOO much on it so I wouldn't be devastated perse, but I just want to know if it's real or I got scammed, to prevent such cases. 🥲🙏 through pms or here would be fine please and thank you!